Approved & Tested by Govt. of India C.M.R.S., C.C.E., D.G.F.A.S.L.I. & D.G.M.S
Complies with-IS: 5780, 2148-1970 & 9166-1979

  1. Methane Gas Detector (Methanometer)

  2. Explosive Gas Detector.(Solid State) Measuring even the least concentration of :- Coal Gas, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen, Vapours of Benzene, Toluene, Acetone., Gasoline, Hydrogen Sulphide, Pentane, Butane, Heaxane, Octane, Propane, Ethyle Alcohol, Petroleum Distillates, Inflammable Hydrocarbons etc.
    a) Single Scale    0-100%     L.E.L.
    b) Double Scale    0-100%     L.E.L.

  3. Combustible Gas Monitor (Solid State)
    a) Local Monitoring
    b) Tele. Monitoring
    c) Auto Scanning system
    d) Power Booster for continuous opration of local Monitor.

  4. File control Monitor

  5. Carbon Monoxide Detector with alarm (Solid State), Range
    0-1000 PPM
    0-500 PPM
    0-100 PPM
    -Analouge & Digital Model

  6. Hydrogen'Gas Detector (Solid State)

  7. Acetylene Leak Detector

  8. Nitrous Oxide Gas Monitor-Digital Range 0-500 PPM.

  9. L.P.G. Gas Detector & Teie. Monitoring System.

  10. Alcohol Detector (Breath Analyser)

  11. Sound Level meter (Solid State)

  12. Electrical shock-Hazard Detector (Solid State) Range in Micro ampere as per IS: 5216-1969

  13. Gas Tip (Hand Held type) for Tracing combustion gases.

  14. Fyrite CO2INDICATOR

  15. Combustion Test Kit-Detecting CO 2  &0 2 in Flue Gases.

  16. Mini Fire Extinguisher

  17. Ammonia Gas Detector

  18. Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Detector

  19. Halogen Leak Detector

  20. Ultrasonic Leak Detector for Vacuum & Pressurised System

  21. Gas flow Meters

  22. Gas Plant (Automatic) Package type

  23. Gas Burners Different type


O2 Gas Detector & Analyser

H2 Gas Detector & Analyser

Calibration Gas Cylinder