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  1. Ash Determination Furnace

  2. Volatile Matter Determination Furnace

  3. Moisture Content Minimum Free Space Oven.

  4. Rotap Sieve shaker, Test Sieves

  5. Orsat Flue Gas Apparatus

  6. Coal Grindability Tester (Hard Groove Index) .

  7. Laboratory pulveriser, Jaw crusher 8.    Raymond Mini Mill

  8. Riffle Sampler (Sample Splitter)

  9. Bomb Calorimeter

  10. Gray King Coking Test Furnace

  11. Ash Fusion point furnace

  12. Kjeldahi Digestion unit

  13. Markham Distillation Apparatus

  14. Sulphur Determination Furnace

  15. Methanorneter, Co-gas Detector

  16. Cutting, Grinding and Polishing Machine

  17. Infrared Moisture Balance, Rapid Moisture

  18. Surface Area Meter

  19. Haidane's Graham Lawrence Apparatus

  20. Carbon & Hydrogen Determination
    Apparatus in Coal-C.F.R.I. Methode, Gallenkemp Design.

  21. Silica-V.M. Crucible, Caking Index, Ash- dish, Ash & Moisture dish, swelling index, crucibles, Gray King Retrot Etc.

  22. Platinum Crucible

  23. Humidity Conditioning chamber for Coal 25.   Water Still, Hot plate

  24. Point Strength Testing of coke

  25. Porosimeter for Measuring porosity.
    volumeterfor Measurment o'o bulk Volume of Solid.

  26. Micum Index Test apparatus as per IS: 1354

  27. Drop Shalter Test asper IS: 1354

  28. Detonator Continuity circuit Tester

  29. Set of Pyrometer, Thermocouple & Compensating cable of Fibre glass for checking Temp. of Holes before Exploration at Coal fields.

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Bomb Calorimeter

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Humidity Condition Chamber Fox Cool

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Multiport Temperature

Muffle Furnace

Jaw Crusher